Our ever-increasing needs for exchange and communication require the installation and maintenance of ever denser aerial networks.
Your business challenges
Apart from rural areas where the constraints are less severe, you also work in urban areas where the machines have to adapt to the evolution of the traffic which is more and more restrictive. Manoeuvrability and practicality are the prerequisites for the profitability of your urban worksites.
Convenience and flexible storage according to the specific needs of the business
Aware of your constraints, France Elévateur offers you several products equipped on a van whose cut-away architecture is the most suitable for urban work. Their payloads, combined with the possibility of towing a trailer, make it possible to envisage a wide range of work in this sector.
France Elévateur also offers a range of fitting packs, including the “fibre optic pack”, which helps to reduce drudgery by improving the ergonomics of the workstation.
France Elévateur has 300 employees at your disposal to assist you throughout the entire process of acquiring a vehicle with an aerial work platform.
Design, conception, manufacturing, assembly, control, delivery and commissioning on site are managed by us at your side. This support from A to Z allows us to control the entire chain and no detail is left to chance.