Our training coursesA dedicated training department
Who better than a manufacturer
in order to train you?

As the leading French manufacturer of aerial work platforms, we have been designing, building and maintaining your aerial work platforms since 1984. We know them better than anyone else! It is with this in mind that we are best placed to train you in their safe use.
We built your aerial work platform. We know it inside out and we will be happy to train you in its safe use.
FE Training by FE Group is our dedicated training service.
FE Training adapts to your needs.
A team of experts
Tailor-made services
Knowledge of the machines
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4 Available training courses

Virtual reality to raise safety awareness!
FE Training offers a safety module with integrated virtual reality training. With a VR helmet on, we make you aware of the world of the aerial work platform and immerse you in a real danger situation.