Our services11 agencies throughout France
France Elévateur,
a network of agencies at the service of customers
Operating in a sector using complex technologies, requiring technical expertise and constant skill upgrading, France Elévateur built a network of company-owned services.
The network gathers 11 branches staffed by mobile or sedentary technicians and back-office employees. As a result, about 80 people are at disposal to provide any technical and commercial answers to customer requests. One third of our business is generated by operations on behalf of other suppliers.

Only a call is enough to activate our technical HOTLINE supported by experienced people handling the whole scope “factory/customer/after sales”, and who have the know-how, make technical knowledge public and organize the supply of spare parts.
Providing second-level support, our agencies analyse, manage and plan operations taking their logistical constraints into account. By deploying mobile technicians and their workshop vans, the agencies work at customers’ premises or on site, or the way around recommend and organize the transportation to our nearby own workshops.

Relying on strengths such as skilled multi task staff and market presence, France Elévateur appears as an integrated structure able to offer multidisciplinary operations from metalworking to maintenance through mastering CAN bus industrial IT technologies, calculation systems and remote control devices.
Unique on the market, these services have ensured France Elévateur to play a leading role in the maintenance of ENEDIS fleet (electricity supplier), part of which is carried out under a fleet management protocol integrating vehicle maintenance and its mandatory administrative monitoring (DREAL).
Meets standards
We offer to our customers a variety of services, including on-site maintenance contracts for all brands, and mandatory periodic inspections.
Unique on the market, these services have ensured France Elévateur to play a leading role in the maintenance of ENEDIS fleet (electricity supplier), part of which is carried out under a fleet management protocol integrating vehicle maintenance and its mandatory administrative monitoring (DREAL).
An international service
Beyond our borders after-sales service is directly provided by our BELGIAN and GERMAN subsidiaries, or our European and overseas distributors. Our multilingual HOTLINE service is available to give them a hand as well.
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